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您的位置:首頁 > 留學攻略 > 留學申請文書_文書范文_文書寫作-博實樂萬佳留學
  • 什么樣的文書才是好的文書,一看就可以讓審閱你材料的人怦然心動,每位申請留學的學子每當看到學校對文書寫作要求就想一蹴而就,隨便寫出一兩份自己比較滿意的文書,剩下其他院校的文書copy一下就好了。事實上對于每個學校對
  • 一、為何點題? “贅字冗詞不能有,點題之筆不可無。”這是我們寫文書時候要遵循的一個很重要的原則,特別是寫MBA的小essays的時候。點睛之筆雖然著墨不會很多,但卻能收到很好的效果。所以,我們必須在關(guān)鍵的地方用上幾句
  • 為什么要塑造人物形象? 每一年學校尤其是名校都會收到數(shù)以萬計的申請者的文書,對于錄取委員來說這無疑是一個龐大的工作量,而要從眾多的申請文書當中脫穎而出絕非易事,而且隨著申請人數(shù)逐年增加,申請者們的文書無論是素
  • 本來想閑言碎語不要講,專門裱一裱這個本科essay的寫法。但是,手把手教您之前還是要先廢話的嘮叨幾句。想必在整個準備申請的過程中,你也看到過關(guān)于本科essay如何寫作的各種tips。看到過關(guān)于essay如何如何重要,要如何如何
  • 商學院論文分析: 這里,對申請2005 年秋季入學的部分商學院論文一一分析,以幫助申請人提高寫作質(zhì)量。當然,每年的申請論文題目會有所變化,但是萬變不離其宗,我相信,有了對這里要分析到的論文的深入理解,申請人再見到
  • She would walk in futile circles, sapping her strength while going nowhere. If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance. I wanted to grab her hand and drag her kicking and screaming into the world of reason. I
  • Fine Arts and Education Isee myself not just as a painter, but as an archaeologist. My brushes are tools that chisel into me, layer by layer, as I seek pieces of lost civilization beneath obscuring strata of identity. When I am painting, I delve inward, striving to be as honest
  • It took us quite some time to find a Burmese boater who would take us into an area not frequented by tourists. My travel companion, a photographer, was determined to capture images of the long-necked women of the Padaung tribe. We had purchased enough Kyat on the black market to
  • 原文 Statement of purpose which includes applicants reasons for undertaking graduate work, explanation of study interests, and their relation to the applicants undergraduate study and professional goals. The decision for me to become an industrial relations major was not really
  • Often I lie awake in my bed at night, not moving, too exhausted even to read. The ceiling fan turns slowly overhead, the sheets are smooth and comfortable, and the house lies in the quiet stillness of night, yet I do not sleep. For hours, I am lost in contemplation, my mind ince
  • Flashlight batteries lasted around twenty hours in the 1980s. I know this because I had to change mine at least once every two weeks, having used up the juice hiding under my covers reading Jane Austen and the Bront sisters when I should have been asleep, resting for the rigors
  • 原文 I must have raised a few eyebrows back in sixth grade when I chose Peter Jennings as my subject for a portrait. A few of my elementary school classmates certainly found it strange that my favorite television program was “20/20.” Ever since I was a young child, I have had