[Write a short essay (250-500 words).... To help us understand how your reason and formulate ideas, the Honors Committee would like you to write a short essay on the impact of communication on your future based on one of the articles. ] Each morning I roll out of bed and stumbl
[Prompt: Describe your international and cross-cultural experiences, and how they will uniquely affect the classroom environment.] Reformed Communist I am a communist. At least, I once thought I was, and I often told people so in junior high school. In my cluttered locker, a pic
During the last three years I have devoted a significant amount of time and energy to the betterment of young entrepreneurs, who in this country are mistreated, stripped of opportunities, and looked down upon. In my quest to start my own business, I faced many obstacles that I l
I was born 31 years ago in Alabama, where my father was on temporary assignment as an engineer for a company with a military aircraft contract. Our stay in the South, however, was brief, and I was still an infant when my parents returned to their native New Hampshire with my old
My mom is an extraordinary lady. She has gone through a war, a painful separation from her husband, unemployment and many other difficult situations. In Bosnia, before the war started, I didnt talk to my mom that often. I was an only child, and I was daddys little girl. My mom a
[Prompt: Describe the environment in which you grew up and how it shaped your personal goals.] There are no traffic lights in Hampden, Massachusetts. Instead of malls or movie theaters, we have hay fields and hiking trails. The tiny business district consists of a gas station/ge
[Prompt: We all experience "defining moments,” significant events that can have a major impact on our lives. Briefly describe such an event and how it affected you.] Bunks, ladders, tables, and a large dusty fan cluttered the tiny train compartment. Though I had hardly expected
I think that the first time that science really made sense was in seventh grade, when a frog lay splayed out on the desk in front of me. The stench of formaldehyde made my eyes water and my stomach churn, but I did not really notice, fascinated by the still form, its innards arr
[Prompt: If you were given five minutes of airtime on national television, what would you talk about? Why?] “This message has been brought to you by...” Millions of Americans hear this commercial announcement emanating from their televisions each day, yet few consider the rami
As a result of the hint of global recession and the drop in tourism following the September 11 attacks, the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) began projecting a deficit. As a result, we made significant revisions to our existing budget for the fiscal year ending in March of the
Dear Sir/Madam, It is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Fu-ping Wang for his application to graduate studies in your school. Mr. Wang has been my research assistant of the National Science Councils project "The United States and the United Nations Financial Crisis: The Role of U.S. C
I am not Vonnegut. He is not me. I did not fight in World War Two. He did not break his arm in the third grade. We are separate people, yet under the light of the literary world we are bonded together - he as an author, and I as a reader. Our relationship began in 1996 when I fi