The Second Language Teaching The first semester of Mrs. Grant’s tenth-grade Latin class was devoted to vocabulary memorization and sentence completion, leaving me with memories of chiming, “Matella est mater. Flavius est pater.” Although I had never studied a foreign language
Life When a pod of 55 pilot whales recently beached themselves on a stretch of Cape Cod, vacationers and beach-goers came to the rescue. By high tide, they managed to save 46 whales. In explaining his motivation for jumping in to help, one volunteer simply answered, “Life.” Th
Seasons There is one Haitian proverb that has never lost its potency, despite the atmosphere of economic adversity, numerous civil wars, and political unrest: “Piti, piti, wazo fe nich li.” Literally, the phrase means, “Little by little, the bird builds its nest”; figurative
Special Needs Pediatrics The first time I met Carla, she was sitting on the floor alone in the middle of the lunchroom while the rest of her cabin played outside. Carla was a frizzy-haired 11-year-old girl with autism. It was her first time away from home, and she was struggling
I am applying to (Name of School) for the Masters of Social Work program. My career goal is to work with underprivileged adolescents, especially those with a history of behavioral and emotional problems. I have significant background in this area; in addition to a full-time posi
Lives are incomplete with out dreams and goals Our lives are full of dreams and goals. A long-term goal may be: I want to go to university after the high school, while a short term goal may be: I want to go to school on time tomorrow. Therefore dreams and goals are a part of our
[Prompt: All students bring a unique personal background to the classroom and study team that can prove to be as enlightening to fellow classmates as their professional skills. Describe what, outside of work, most distinguishes you as an individual and will most enrich the exper
Aborigines After four days on the Stewart Highway, a lonely, two-lane stretch of pavement from the south of Australia to the north, I was approaching the halfway point on my journey to the top of the country. As the van rolled towards Alice Springs, a tourist-centered outpost fo
[Prompt: Please discuss your interest in the field of engineering and discuss your interest in a specific engineering discipline.] Mechanical Pencils A city bus pulls into the Beijing station. The folded doors creak open, and a six-year-old boy hops off, followed by his mom. The
“Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathe
Prompt: What you do in the classroom defines only a part of who you are. How do you spend your time when you are not in class?] At my childhood home in Macau, frames of Chinese brush calligraphy and paintings were everywhere. As a kid, I did not care much about those “hanging th
Engineering to Law Whether we are discussing World War II bombers, the progression of the F-15,F-16 and F-18 fighter jets, or the vector propulsion of Harrier jets, all airplanes spark enthusiasm in my father -- an enthusiasm that I came to share. As a young girl I remember my f