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  • The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. --My Motto While I was still as freshman in 1991, I took part in a project in which a milling machine design done by Germans w
  • Brought up in a shabby and cramped small apartment, I was fascinated in my childhood by the exquisite houses and condominiums I watched on TV in images that had been shot in the developed countries. It has since been my dream to build up in China the same kind of quality human h
  • Last year, I learned something that few young people of early 20s would want to learn. This is, anguish is an integral part of life. On March 31, 1996, a day I shall never forget, my father passed away, having suffered a heavy heart attack. Until then, I had not given much thoug
  • 華盛頓大學ps寫作要求華盛頓大學(U。W)建校于公元1861年,是美國西岸州立大學系統(tǒng)中最早設立的高等教育學校。校園位于華盛頓湖及聯(lián)合湖之間,擁有占地超過700英畝的樹林,皆是承襲于原始的林木荒野自然環(huán)境。交通方面,從學
  • 在準備留學的過程中,如若申請專業(yè)性較強或層次較高的專業(yè),根據(jù)國外不同院校的要求,有的申請人需提供自己的專業(yè)研究經歷的陳述來證明其有足夠的學術研究實力和堅實的理論基礎從而進行更高深層次的學習與研究。 具體來講,
  • 我在去年幫助我老公做了20幾所學校的申請,所以在申請方面也積累了一些經驗。我相信Personal Statement (PS)和Recommendation Letter (RL)的寫作可能是大家在申請過程中遇到的最大問題了。思馬得工作室出的一些GRE的書,
  • University of Rochester 計算機科學 羅徹斯特大學 Department of Computer Science Application for Admission to the Ph.D. Program-- Personal Statement Name of Applicant ___________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________ U.S. Social Security Number __________
  • After passing out of engineering college in 1999 with distinction and honors in my Bachelor of engineering, I had the opportunity to join an organization as an engineer in the production department. The company was well known world wide for its quality products and superior engi
  • As a child I often accompanied my father to his small coin shop and spent hours watching him work. When I was older, I sometimes set up displays, waited on customers, and even balanced the books. This experience instilled in me the desire to own and manage my own business someda
  • Dartmouth College:美國東北部新罕布什爾州的漢歐沃鎮(zhèn)(Hanover),創(chuàng)建于1769年。多年來,達特茅斯通過建立各種激勵制度、聘任最好教師,推進教學與科研的開展。達特茅斯嚴格錄取富有潛力的新生,非常注重學生綜合素質的培
  • 弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)是美國第三任總統(tǒng)杰佛遜(Thomas Jefferson)在1819年創(chuàng)立的一所公立大學。大學的建校草圖、課程大綱、甚至第一批教員的任聘都與杰佛遜總統(tǒng)息息相關。這所大學杰出的校友,更是不
  • 康奈爾大學位于美國紐約州的伊薩卡市。始建于1865年,是由艾茲拉·康奈爾創(chuàng)建的。在所有“常春藤盟校”中,康奈爾是歷史最短的一個。它擁有本科生13000多人,遙遙領先于其他“常春藤盟校”,讓人想起“百川歸海,有容乃大”