網(wǎng)申時如何填visa信用卡上的security code
在遇到用visa支付時,大家可能遇到過要輸入credit card security code
在簽名的那一條上,應(yīng)該印有一個三位數(shù)的數(shù)字。不是卡號的后三位,既然叫security number,就是為了保險安全使用visa卡啊,銀行是不可能知道這個信息的,就是知道也不可能透露。
What is the Security Code?
It is an important new Internet security feature that now appears on the back of most Visa/MasterCard and Discover cards, and on the front of American Express cards. This new code is a three or four-digit number which provides a cryptographic check of the information embossed on the card.
The security code helps validate that the customer placing the online order actually has the credit card in his/her possession, and that the credit/debit card account is legitimate.
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