Personal Statement
Program: E E (Automatic Control)
For twofold reasons I am sincerely grateful to my father who is also my
mentor. First, it was he who distilled in me the impulse to adore those
who can achieve success from apparently impossible situations. When I
was plunged into great despondency for failing to gain admission into
the nation’s most prestigious university at the college entrance
examination, my father told the story about how General Wellington who,
driven into a mountain cave, drew inspirations from a spider which was
patching up its web and re-organized his troops to defeat Napoleon. My
father made me convinced that I could be a successful person in my own
Second, I owe my heartfelt gratitude to my father for the academic
interest that he cultivated in me. An electrical engineer himself in
the field of industrial control, my father influenced me by encouraging
my childhood interest in electricity. Unlike many other parents who
simply buy their children electric toys and leave them playing with
those toys, my father not only bought me many interesting electrical
toys but also explained the inner workings that produced the sounds and
the movements of those toys. As I grew up, he continued his
enlightenment of me with his regular “professional lectures”
concerning the more sophisticated electrical appliances in our daily
environment. His education persisted until I chose to major in
electrical engineering during my undergraduate program and came to
regard it as a lifelong career objective to which I would dedicate all
my intelligence and energy. From the undergraduate education I received
at the Information Science and Engineering Department of Shenyang
Institute of Technology, I derived useful knowledge from a wide variety
of foundational courses in industrial engineering that included
Analogical Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronic Circuits, Principles
of Microcomputer, Electrical Power and Electronics, Single-Chip
Microcomputer. In those courses, I achieved full marks or the highest
scores in the entire grade.
My theoretical understanding of automatic control came with my studies
of classical control theories embodied in such courses as Theory of
Modern Control, Theory of Automatic Control, Procedure Control, and
Computer Control. I also came to develop a relatively thorough
understanding of feedback control and some methods of system design.
With those understandings, I tried my own hands at designing and
experimenting with a closed-loop feedback system. However, as I delved
deeper into my studies, I came to discover that the classical feedback
-based control theories could no longer meet the requirements posed by
modern large-scale and complicated systems. Their challenges could only
be answered by some database-based, intelligence-oriented theories.
Therefore, I purposely self-studied some courses exclusively offered to
graduate students—Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network, Self-
Adaptive Control, etc. Although the theories incorporated in those
courses could by no means work out all the problems in modern control,
their effectiveness in improving production efficiency made me all the
more determined to devote myself to the studies in control theories.
Various forms of control theory depend heavily on computing tools as
represented by mathematics. Without exaggeration, I can say that both
mathematics and computer application are precisely the subjects in
which I excel. On account of my distinguished mathematical talents, I
represented my institute to participate in the National Undergraduate
Mathematical Contest in Modeling in 2000 in which I proposed an optimum
solution to a steel procurement and transportation plan. In this
contest, I won third prize in the whole Liaoning Province. In addition,
I self-studied a number of advanced courses like Fuzzy Mathematics and
Discrete Mathematics which further widened my horizon and called my
attention to the possible trends of automatic control in the future.
One of the most important achievements in my undergraduate program is
that I spent one year and half doing coursework in the computer
specialty as a subsidiary program in order to develop my comprehensive
abilities and to improve my computer skills. In those compulsory core
courses that are generally acknowledged to be fairly difficult even for
computer majors, I achieved the highest scores in my class in Data
Structure and Operating Systems. By undergoing systematic trainings, I
have become quite familiar with computer hardware structure, working
principles, and software programming debugging. I have also made
independent efforts in program development by means of VB, VC, Foxpro
and Delphi.
While attentive to studies in control theories, I also attached great
importance to the application of theories to practical problem-solving
processes because all theories must be put to the test of practices.
Since the very beginning of my undergraduate program, I have closely
followed the leading international and domestic academic journals in
the field of automatic control and the important research papers
published in those journals. As a sophomore, I started to help my
father with some of his design projects. In the control system that he
designed for a cement mixer, I introduced a programmed single-chip
computerized controller which, after debugging, was put into
application and received very positive comments from the user. For my
graduation project, I designed The Automatic Monitoring System for
Detecting the Temperature and Humidity of a Tobacco Plant. With the
help of a PC and a single-chip microcomputer, I designed a 3-phase
system in connection with the concentration-distribution system.
Demonstrating obvious practical values, the system can conduct
automatic monitoring of the environmental parameters in the four
workshops of the tobacco plant. At present, I am working on an
automatic assembly line in collaboration with an industrial control
company. I am very proud to say that my overall undergraduate studies
have proved immensely fruitful. In terms of the ranking of scholastic
aptitudes, my ranking is top tenth among a total of 148 students in my
grade and I have been award scholarships for quite a few times.
Even a most cursory survey of most factories in China would reveal that
the overall level of automation in China’s industrial sector is rather
low. Even when there is a limited number of “advanced” systems, they
are mere copies of foreign models that are on the point of being
outmoded by international standards. This indicates how China lags
behind international levels of advanced technology. As we all know, the
most important factors in automation are system modeling and analysis.
It is essential to ensure, through analysis, the stability and optimum
effect of the system even when there are many uncertainties. In this
regard, we need cutting-edge technology and mature theories. Under such
circumstances, I have developed the idea of seeking further studies in
the United States where I can learn advanced and systematic knowledge
about large-scale systems. In this way, I will be able to make in-depth
studies concerning the mathematical models of the systems when I have
the opportunity to face those increasingly complicated large-scale
systems. Those studies will enable me to find out possible solutions to
The Institute of Industrial Engineering of Purdue University enjoys a
high academic status in the United States. The Automatic Control
Specialty in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
covers a wide range of programs in Artificial Intelligence, Neural
Network, Robotics, the Modeling and Analysis of Large-Scale Dynamic
Systems, etc. The application of those important fields of knowledge
will ultimately produce important impacts on the technological advances
in automation and control. Those fields are also the areas in which I
am very interested. I would like to apply for a Ph.D. program in
automatic control. As a matter of fact, Purdue University is also the
university from which China’s leading scientist Deng Jiaxian
graduated. That is why it attracts me so much. A Chinese proverb says,
“If you come to the most commanding height, you will have the greatest
vision.” I believe this axiom applies to my case perfectly. By “the
most commanding height”, I mean that an education at Purdue University
will endow me with the most advanced theories and expertise in my
chosen field. By “the greatest vision”, I mean that I will develop
international perspectives that will enable me to look ahead into the
future and keep up with the latest developments. My greatest
expectation from the prospective degree program is that I can build up
a firm foundation for a fruitful career in system designs.