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2013年02月21日來源:美國留學網(wǎng)作者: 萬佳留學

  In this example format, the third paragraph will be a description of your
professional goals. (This paragraph and the next, however, could be reversed.) Though your letter takes the general shape of a summary of your interests
and background, it also builds an argument for your admission to a
particular graduate program. The logic of this argument runs this way: I know what interests me; I know that I would like to engage in this work as my profession; and I believe that the necessary, most logical way to assure me of success in this profession is to earn this graduate degree. This paragraph describes what you know about the professional careers to which this course of
graduate study may lead. Generally, people who pursue graduate degrees tend
toward any of four professional occupations: academic, public service, private industry, or self-employment (i.e., writers, lawyers, physicians, etc.).
Though you do not have to commit yourself to one career only, you are best
served by presenting to the admissions committee as specific an idea as possible about what you intend to do with their degree. If you know
that you would eventually like to be a business consultant specializing in
labor market analysis, say so. Such a statement indicates to the committee that you are goal oriented, that you are capable of identifying what you want
and of developing a systematic means to attain it. This paragraph, in
conjunction with the previous one, assures the admissions committee that you are an applicant with a purpose.
  The fourth paragraph, which describes what you intend to study in graduate
school, should tighten your argument.

  Now that you have made clear your interests, background, and professional
goals, you must make the case that the best way for you to bridge your undergraduate years and your successful performance as a professional is to
study what this particular graduate program offers. Be as specific as you
can. Learn what courses this graduate program offers. Identify its faculty members and what research they are conducting. Know the program's
reputation, its strengths and its weaknesses. Your undergraduate professors
can be of very great assistance in this regard. As you describe your reasons for applying to a particular program try to link your interests with what you
know is available through that program and its parent college or university. If you know that it encourages practicum experience, something you want, say so. If some of your undergraduate texts or assignments have utilized materials produced by that program, say so. Offer suggestions about combinations of courses or faculty advisors that you think might be especially imaginative or productive. This paragraph, thus, accomplishes two ends: you place this graduate program in the continuum of your own professional development and you demonstrate that you have applied to it as the result of an informed, reflective selection process of your own.

  Your personal statement should close with a brief summary of your
background and goals, again just a sentence or two. This last statement reaffirms both your preparation and your confidence that your choice of this graduate program is right.

  MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution Revised 8/02
