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2013年02月21日來源:出國在線作者: 萬佳留學(xué)

范例7.1 提要







范例7.2 原文

Dear Visa Officer ,

My application for a F2 visa was rejected four times because, according to your visaofficers ,that my husband does not have enough funds to support my stay in the UnitedStates .

I understand that the insufficient fund is one of the major reasons leading to many visarefusals. However , refusing my application on this ground is totally irresponsiblebecause, as indicated in his I-20 form, my husband does have enough funds from hisschool to support my visit. I am confident that after reviewing his financial situationfrom his I-20 form ,you will give one a fair and reasonable reconsideration and grant methe visa because the ground on the previous four refusals to my application is not foundon basis of my husband's I-20 form.

The official amount of annual cost to study and live at the University of Missouri-Rolla ,according to my husband's I-20,is 16,OOO without spouse and 19,OOO(3,OOO more)with spouse.

From the I-20 form, you can find that my husband has an annual scholarship totaling18, 9SI. 94. This amount of money is sufficient to cover all the expense for his studyand living plus the cost for a spouse living together. There is only I. 44 dollars short inthe I-20 form for what is officially required. That is why my husband added J. 44dollars in the I-20 form that you have in hand. He also has a personal savings accountof 6,210. 52 as of May 16,1997. The financial information at the I-20 form, the legaldocument issued by U. S. Department of Justice and by U. S. Immigration andNaturalization Service ,should be honored by your visa officers. Why rejected my visaapplication repeatedly on a reason that is not agreeable with my I-20 form? Rejecting myvisa for this reason is one think I can not understand and can not accept!With a monthly check of 1,200 after taxes as a graduate teaching assistant at thedepartment of computer sciences of the U. of Missouri-Rolla , my husband's income isconsidered very decent at Rolla, Missouri because of the very low local living cost. Idon't have to say how low the living expenses are at Rolla (a two bedroom apartmentcost 150 per month near the school). However high or low, as long as my husband'sincome satisfy the official living cost for a family of two ,your re3ection to my F2 visa onbasis of insufficient money remains unreasonable. I was made to think that yourre3ection is on basis of your personal assumption rather than on basis of what it reallycosts living jn my husband's university community.

Therefore , I respectfully request that you review the financial information contained inmy husband's I-20 form and make a more reas6nable judgment on the true and accuratedollar figure that my husband has to support my visit.

I thank you very much for year reconsideration.

Sincerely ,
